12 Best Business Planning Tools for Startups to Succeed.

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Get Business Planning Tools for your startup or business. Premium options with advanced features for financial modeling, pitch deck creation, and collaboration.
Business planning tools

Last Updated on May 8, 2023 by David

Business planning tools are essential for entrepreneurs and startup founders who want to turn their ideas into successful business.

A solid business plan is critical for securing funding, attracting customers, and achieving long-term success.

But with so many options available, finding the right business planning software or tool can be challenging.

Thatโ€™s why weโ€™ve done the research for you and compiled a list of the best business planning tools to help you create a comprehensive and effective business plan.

With these tools, you can streamline the process and ensure that your plan includes everything you need to succeed, from financial forecasting to market analysis.

Whether youโ€™re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, investing in the right business planning tool can make all the difference in your success.

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Let’s dive in!

LivePlan: Business Plan Software With Performance Tracking

LivePlan is an innovative cloud-based planning software that provides an easy and efficient way for startups to create professional and comprehensive business plans.

With its intuitive online business plan template and financial forecasting tools, LivePlan empowers entrepreneurs to map their business strategies, set goals, and develop projections aligning with their vision.

Whether you need to create a business plan for fundraising, recruiting, or simply to stay on track, LivePlan can help you streamline the process and bring your ideas to life.

The platform also features a pitch deck builder that allows startups to create polished presentations that showcase their vision and potential to investors and stakeholders.

By using online Business Planning Tools like LivePlan, startups can reduce the guesswork and maximize their chances of success.

Bizplan: Online Business Planning Software with Financial Modeling Tools

Bizplan is a comprehensive online business planning tool that is perfect for entrepreneurs who want to create a solid business plan.

With financial modeling software, you can create financial projections, track your expenses, and make informed decisions about your business.

The tool is user-friendly, and you can easily create a business plan with the online business plan template provided.

Bizplanโ€™s strength lies in its ability to provide real-time feedback and recommendations on your business plan, making it an essential tool for anyone serious about starting or growing a business.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur just starting or a seasoned business owner looking to scale up, Bizplan is an invaluable resource for creating a comprehensive and effective business plan.

Enloop โ€” Easy Business Plan Template software

Enloop is a powerful online business plan template software that simplifies the process of creating a business plan.

With Enloop, entrepreneurs can easily create a professional business plan in a matter of minutes. This software is designed to help startups, small businesses, and even established companies create a comprehensive business plan that includes financial projections, market analysis, and other critical components.

Enloopโ€™s intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it easy for anyone to create a polished and professional business plan.

The software also includes tools for tracking progress, collaborating with team members, and sharing the plan with investors and stakeholders.

Enloop is an excellent choice for entrepreneurs who want to create a solid business plan quickly and efficiently.

StratPad – Cloud-based Business Planning Solution

StratPad is an innovative Cloud-based Business Planning Solution offering a comprehensive tool suite to help entrepreneurs create professional business plans.

With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, StratPad makes it easy for anyone to create a high-quality business plan that includes financial projections, marketing strategies, and other critical components.

This cloud-based software also enables entrepreneurs to collaborate with team members and share their plans with investors and stakeholders in real time.

With StratPad, entrepreneurs can easily track their progress and adjust their strategies as needed.

Overall, StratPad is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a powerful and efficient Cloud-based Business Planning Solution to help them achieve their business goals.

Palo Alto Software โ€” A business Planning Tool

Palo Alto Software is a leading provider of cloud-based business planning solutions that help entrepreneurs, and small business owners create professional business plans.

This business planning tool is designed to be easy to use yet powerful enough to create detailed financial projections, market analysis, and other critical business plan components.

With Palo Alto Software, users can collaborate with team members, track progress, and share their plans with investors and stakeholders.

Additionally, the software includes a range of templates, guides, and other resources that make it easy for entrepreneurs to get started.

iPlanner โ€” Best Enterprise Business Planning Tool

iplanner is one of the best enterprise business planning tools available in the market today.

It is a comprehensive solution that enables businesses of all sizes to create professional and effective business plans.

With its intuitive interface and user-friendly features, iplanner makes it easy for entrepreneurs and business owners to create, manage, and monitor their business plans.

This enterprise business planning tool includes a range of powerful tools, such as financial forecasting, budgeting, and performance tracking, that can help businesses to stay on track and achieve their goals.

Whether you are a startup or an established business, iplanner is a must-have tool that can help you to create a solid business plan and take your business to the next level.

PlanGuru โ€” Analytics and Business Planning Software

PlanGuru is an all-in-one business planning tool that combines financial analytics and forecasting capabilities to help entrepreneurs create a comprehensive business plan.

This powerful software is designed to provide a complete solution for businesses looking to plan their finances and track their progress.

PlanGuruโ€™s unique features include budgeting, forecasting, and analysis tools that allow business owners to make informed decisions based on accurate financial data.

The software is user-friendly, with a range of templates and guides that make creating a professional business plan easy.

PlanGuru is ideal for startups and small businesses that need a flexible and reliable business planning tool to help them grow and succeed.

Upmetrics โ€” Innovative and User-Friendly Business Planning Tool

Upmetrics is an innovative and user-friendly business planning tool that can help entrepreneurs create a comprehensive business plan quickly and easily.

The software features an intuitive interface and a range of powerful tools that allow users to generate financial projections, perform market analysis, and track progress toward their goals.

Upmetrics also includes collaboration features that make it easy to work with team members and share the plan with investors or stakeholders.

With its powerful features and user-friendly design, Upmetrics is an excellent choice for any entrepreneur looking to create a solid business plan.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re an established business, Upmetrics can help you achieve your goals and grow your business.

IdeaBuddy โ€” Innovative Business Planning Software

IdeaBuddy is an innovative business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and startups turn their ideas into successful businesses.

It offers comprehensive business plan creation tools, market research, financial projections, and team collaboration.

With its user-friendly interface, IdeaBuddy makes the process of business planning easy and enjoyable.

The software guides you through each step of the planning process, ensuring that you cover all the necessary aspects of your business idea.

You can use IdeaBuddy to create a one-page business plan or a detailed plan with multiple sections.

The software also offers a feature for tracking progress and making adjustments to your plan as you go along.

IdeaBuddy is a must-have tool for anyone looking to start a business or take an existing business to the next level.

Cuttles โ€” Business Plan Software for Early-Stage Startups

Cuttles business planning tools

For early-stage startups, creating a business plan can be a daunting task. However, the process becomes much easier with the help of business plan software, such as Cuttles.

Cuttles offers a user-friendly interface and customizable templates to ensure that each startup can create a unique and effective business plan.

With its built-in financial forecasting tools, startups can get a clear picture of their financial projections and make more informed decisions.

Cuttles also provides a collaborative platform where teams can work together to create a comprehensive business plan.

Whether you’re seeking funding or just want to map out your company’s future, Cuttles is a great tool for early-stage startups.

Vizolog โ€” AI-Powered Business Planning Tool

Vizolog business planning tools

Are you looking for an easier and more efficient way to plan your business? Look no further than Vizolog, the AI-powered business planning software.

With Vizolog, you can create a comprehensive business plan with just a few clicks of a button. The software utilizes advanced algorithms and data analysis to provide you with the most accurate projections for your business.

The user-friendly interface makes it easy to input all of your business data and allows you to adjust and modify your plan as needed quickly.

Vizolog also includes a variety of tools to help you with financial planning, market research, and competitor analysis. Say goodbye to manual planning and hello to streamlined efficiency with Vizolog.

TheBizPlanner โ€” Premier Business Planning Software

Biz planner business planning tools

TheBizPlanner is the premium Business Planning tool that has taken the market by storm with its exceptional features and unparalleled user experience.

With its easy-to-use interface, TheBizPlanner enables startups and small businesses to create professional business plans in no time.

The software boasts a wide range of features, including financial forecasting, budgeting, and industry analysis, which help entrepreneurs make informed decisions about their businesses.

TheBizPlanner also offers customizable templates that can be adapted to suit the specific needs of each business.

Moreover, the softwareโ€™s interactive dashboard allows users to track their progress and adjust their plans accordingly.

In short, TheBizPlanner is a game-changer for anyone who wants to start or grow a successful business.


Finding the right Business Planning Tool is crucial to the success of any startup or business.

The twelve tools listed above offer a range of features to help entrepreneurs and small business owners develop a clear and effective business plan.

Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, and selecting the right one depends on the business’s specific needs.

For those who require a premium Business Planning Tool, several options are available, such as LivePlan and Bizplan, which provide advanced features for financial modeling, pitch deck creation, and team collaboration.

With the help of these powerful tools, startups can create well-structured and data-driven business plans that will give them the best chance of success.

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