Online Business Ideas For Students

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Last updated on April 9th, 2023 at 11:34 am

Explore the top online business ideas for students and learn how to make money with minimal investment. From freelance writing to selling crafts, discover expert tips to help you succeed
online business ideas for students

Last Updated on April 9, 2023 by David

40 Profitable Online Business Ideas For Students-Real-World Examples!

Are you a student looking for online business ideas to earn money without investment?

Or maybe you’re simply searching for online business ideas to start your entrepreneurial journey, and wondering Which is the best online business to start?

Look no further! Starting an online business has never been easier in today’s digital age.

With minimal investment and a laptop, anyone can start an online business and generate passive income.

In this article, I cover 40 online business ideas perfect for beginners. I will cover some of the best online small business ideas, including those without much investment.

Besides, I researched the internet and found unique success stories for some of the best small online business ideas. So, if you are looking for a complete list of online business ideas for beginners, grab your laptop, and let’s start on your path to financial independence! Here are good online business ideas you can start with little to zero investment.

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Start An E-commerce Store

E-commerce is a rapidly growing industry that allows you to sell products directly to customers. To start an e-commerce store, you must choose a niche or product category.

Once you have identified your niche, create a website, and source products to sell alternatively, you can create and sell your own goods.

One of the advantages of an e-commerce store is that you have complete control over the products you sell and the prices you set.

Case Study: How Elgin Earns $8K/Mo Selling Gym Apparel

e-commerce store example

Elgin Mones, also known as Infinite Elgintensity, is an attorney and YouTube content creator who started a gym apparel e-commerce business in 2014.

Capitalizing on his YouTube popularity, he began selling workout clothes with unique designs and slogans.

Mones learned about the apparel business from two established vendors who guided him in setting up his Shopify store and streamlining order fulfillment.

To create designs for his apparel, Mones drew inspiration from his YouTube content and video games, often creating the designs himself or hiring designers from his fan base.

He protected his intellectual property carefully, sending DMCA takedowns and even suing infringers.

Mones launched his business on April Fool’s Day in 2014, promoting it on YouTube and social media.

Despite a slow start, he quickly learned the importance of appealing to a wide audience with his designs.

He found that email marketing was crucial for attracting and retaining customers while offering services such as online coaching also helped diversify his income.

The entrepreneur has kept his business profitable by hiring contractors instead of employees and having no overhead costs.

In the future, he plans to expand his offerings to cater to gamers and women, recognizing the potential in these markets.

Mones also emphasized the importance of staying informed about the competition, investing in education, understanding the law, and surrounding oneself with advisers and mentors to ensure the business’s success.

Start Dropshipping Business

Dropshipping is one of the top 10 business ideas for students and beginners hoping to start successful online businesses.

The business model allows you to sell products without holding inventory; therefore, it is one of the easy online business ideas you can start today.

With dropshipping, you source products from a supplier and have them shipped directly to your customers.

The advantage of dropshipping is that you do not need to invest in inventory or worry about storage and shipping logistics.

To start a dropshipping store, you must find a reliable supplier, create a website, and market your products to potential customers.

Case Study: How Kingpin Made $28,000+ In Dropshipping Sales In Just 30 Days!

In the summer of 2017, Kingpin successfully launched seven dropshipping stores targeting B2C and B2B audiences.

He had no experience in dropshipping, but he managed to set up his first store in just two hours. He later spent 15 days refining product descriptions and other details.

Kingpin revealed the strategy for one of his newest stores, which sells higher-class products not cheaper than $10, targeting retail shopkeepers in the USA and Australia.

He offers free shipping for purchases over $100 and uses Facebook ads to promote his store, focusing mostly on video ads.

Kingpin’s approach to starting a new dropshipping business consists of three basic steps:

  1. Niche research: He uses Amazon bestsellers and AliExpress to identify popular products and niches/categories with at least 20 great products available.
  2. Store setup: He utilizes the AliDropship WooCommerce plugin to choose a theme according to his niche and limits the number of plugins to only those necessary for site speed and performance.
  3. Promotion: He uses Facebook ads to promote viral content or articles related to his niche, employing retargeting pixels to show ads to people who visited his site, sending them directly to the product page.

Kingpin also uses email marketing to target customers who abandoned their shopping carts and offer them heavily discounted deals.

He suggests creating a staging site to test new plugin features before updating them on the site.

For success in dropshipping, Kingpin advises being ethical, focusing on marketing strategy, and starting with PayPal before transitioning to a US-based LLC and using other payment methods like Stripe.

Start A Print-on-Demand Business

A print-on-demand business is an e-commerce store that allows you to sell customized products such as t-shirts, mugs, and phone cases without holding inventory.

With a print-on-demand business, you partner with a supplier who produces the products as per your customers’ orders.

To start a print-on-demand business, you must create a website, choose a supplier, and market your products to potential customers.

Case Study: From Zero to $250,000: Medical Professional Quits Job for Print-On-Demand Success

Heather, a medical professional, turned to print-on-demand (POD) as a side hustle during the pandemic when her work hours were reduced.

Discovering that POD required no inventory, she decided to try it, reigniting her passion for design.

Initially facing challenges with a competitor company, she later partnered with Printify, which offered lower prices, a variety of suppliers, and better customer service.

To grow her business, Heather expanded her product range and targeted different niches, eventually succeeding in each popular niche.

She went from zero sales in January 2021 to making $250,000 in revenue by December.

Heather learned that catering to different niches and seasons led to a better understanding of Etsy’s consumer base and increased sales.

To make her first sale, Heather advises beginners to avoid burnout by scheduling publishing and consistently listing products.

She emphasizes understanding Etsy customers’ preferences, as they value aesthetics more than customers on platforms like Amazon.

Heather ventured into Shopify, focusing on a specific niche and using social media for marketing, generating $35,000 in revenue in six months.

However, she closed her Shopify store to focus on teaching POD on YouTube and her successful Etsy store.

The main differences between selling on Etsy and Shopify are the setup and traffic generation.

Etsy and Amazon have their customer base, while Shopify store owners need to drive traffic themselves.

Heather became a POD coach to help others run successful businesses and offers a mix of free and paid-for courses on her website, HeatherxStudio.

Despite facing challenges like increased demand during holidays and burnout, Heather continues to run a successful business and teaches her students that consistent small tasks can lead to significant success.

Become an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing is one of the easiest to start online business ideas for students.

This type of online marketing involves promoting other people’s products and earning a commission on each sale.

To start an affiliate marketing business, you must choose a niche or product category, join an affiliate program, and promote products through your website or social media channels.

Case Study: Earning $500K Annually from My Affiliate Business with Zero Employees.

Spencer Mecham founded Buildapreneur, an affiliate marketing business, in 2017 after learning about the industry while working at a digital marketing agency.

Affiliate marketing appealed to him due to its low start-up costs and his expertise in online marketing, learning algorithms, and making content go viral.

Today, Buildapreneur is the top affiliate for multiple major affiliate programs, with annual profits exceeding $500,000.

Mecham’s journey began with creating content and building an audience through various channels such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and blogging.

He captured email addresses from viewers and followers to create a massive, multi-channel audience.

Mecham focused on growing his online influence and creating a cohesive content strategy that targeted a specific audience, offering them value and building trust.

His business’s growth is primarily attributed to content marketing efforts and organic traffic from Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and his blog.

Mecham’s unique email sequence sends emails for nearly a year, mixing educational content, personal stories, and promotional material.

He also maintains a Facebook group with almost 17,000 members to build relationships and promote products.

Mecham’s business is mostly passive, allowing him to take time off without significantly affecting profits.

He credits his success to focused fortitude, avoiding distractions, and prioritizing traffic generation.

Key tools for his business include email autoresponder Active Campaign and Zapier, which integrates different software used in his business.

Mecham advises new entrepreneurs to balance learning and applying knowledge to build a successful business.

Start Online Course Business

If you’re an expert in a particular field, you can create and sell an online course.

Online courses are a popular way for people to learn new skills and gain knowledge.

To start an online course business, you need to choose a topic, create a course curriculum, and set up a website where you can market and sell your course.

Case Study: From $24K to $53K Weekly: The Remarkable Success Story of Kids Cook Real Food eCourse Creator

Katie, the founder of the Kids Cook Real Food eCourse, shared her enthusiasm for teaching children how to cook, including using knives.

She mentioned that her top-selling online course has helped over 12,000 families worldwide, teaching kids to prepare healthy meals while building responsibility and self-confidence.

Katie believes that cooking provides an ideal opportunity for children to learn important life skills, such as generosity, humor, and problem-solving.

As a former Catholic school teacher who used to earn $24,000 a year, she unexpectedly built a business that generated over $53,000 in a single week.

Her success enabled her husband to quit his job and start his own business, which supports Katie and her colleagues, turning their family into an “entre family.”

Their children also contribute to the business, with their teenage son learning video editing and aspiring to become an entrepreneur.

At the age of 14, he has already co-authored a cookbook set to release in April.

Moreover, Katie’s business allows her to support several stay-at-home moms by providing them income-earning opportunities as team members.

Become A Virtual Assistant

Due to the rapid expansion of online business ideas, virtual assistants are currently in high demand.

Company owners and managers have realized that physical presence or hiring someone on payroll is no longer necessary to complete tasks, resulting in an increase in the search for virtual assistance.

This trend allows individuals like yourself to work from home or any location of their choice and become an ideal fit for companies worldwide.

As a virtual administrative support person, your role involves utilizing the online tools, and programs companies already use to provide the necessary assistance.

These tasks are often ones that you may already be familiar with and proficient in.

The virtual assistant position does not require advanced qualifications or extensive prior experience. If this opportunity interests you, Check out this video for practical tips on how to become a virtual assistant with no experience!

You can find virtual assistant opportunities on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.

How To become a virtual assistant with no experience.

Start Social Media Management Business

Are you dreaming of starting online business ideas from home?

With social media platforms growing in popularity, businesses require professionals who can manage their social media accounts effectively.

Therefore, social media management is one of the unique online business ideas and the easiest to start.

If you are a student or a beginner looking for passive income, you can become a social media manager.

A social media management business involves managing social media accounts on behalf of clients.

To start a social media management business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Start An SEO Agency

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential to any online business. If you have expertise in SEO, you can start an SEO agency.

An SEO agency provides optimization services to help businesses rank higher in search engine results pages.

With many people looking to improve their website’s ranking, starting an SEO agency is one of today’s top online business ideas.

To start an SEO agency, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Become a Content Writer

If you are passionate about writing and looking for online business ideas, you can start a content writing business.

A content-writing business provides written content to clients, such as blog posts, articles, and product descriptions.

To start a content writing business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Case Study: Meet Mukti Masih: One of India’s Top 10 Content Writers

Mukti Masih commenced her career with The Times of India around 2 decades ago.

After two years, she transitioned into a freelance writing career.

Presently, Mukti Masih is recognized as one of India’s foremost ten content writers.

She has contributed to over 100 websites, created 200+ video scripts, and composed over 12,000 blog posts and approximately 4,000 social media posts.

Additionally, she co-established AVM Pictures, a video content production company, with her brother, Abhishek Masih.

Mukti’s writing style is distinguished by its ability to infuse content with a human element that establishes a connection with readers.

Her writing exemplifies a remarkable command of language, making her a standout content writer.

Her written works serve as prime examples of excellent content writing, as demonstrated by her exemplary article writing samples.

Start Graphic Design Business

Graphic design is an essential component of any online business. You can start a graphic design business if you have a creative mind and a passion for design.

A graphic design business involves creating visual content such as logos, website designs, and social media graphics.

To start a graphic design business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can also create a portfolio showcasing your previous work to attract clients.

Start Podcasting

Podcasting is one of the online business ideas that have gained popularity in recent years.

You can start a podcast if you have a niche topic you’re passionate about.

To start a podcast, you must choose a topic, record your episodes, and publish them on podcast platforms such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

You can monetize your podcast through sponsorships, merchandise, and affiliate marketing.

Launch a YouTube Channel

Are you looking for profitable online business ideas? Why not start a YouTube channel?

YouTube is a popular video-sharing platform that allows entrepreneurs to reach a global audience.

To start a YouTube channel, you must choose a niche or topic, create content, and upload it to YouTube.

You can monetize your YouTube channel through advertising revenue, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

Start Online Coaching Business

An online coaching business involves providing coaching services to clients remotely. You can start an online coaching business with expertise in a particular field.

To start an online coaching business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer coaching services through video calls or online courses.

Become A Web Developer

Web development is an in-demand skill that can help you start an online business. A web development business involves creating websites and web applications for clients.

To start a web development business, you need to have expertise in web development, create a portfolio showcasing your previous work, and market your services to potential clients.

Start an Online Marketing Agency

Online marketing is a vital component of any online business. If you have expertise in online marketing, you can start an online marketing agency.

An online marketing agency provides clients with marketing services such as social media, email, and search engine marketing.

To start an online marketing agency, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Start an Online Translation Business

If you’re fluent in multiple languages, you can start an online translation business.

An online translation business involves translating documents or content for clients.

To start an online translation business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can also offer interpretation services through video calls or phone calls.

Case Study: Unlocking the World of Audiovisual Translation: Vanesa’s Journey to Success

Vanesa’s success story began when she discovered her passion for Audiovisual Translation while volunteering to subtitle a film in Buenos Aires.

She faced the industry’s challenges, such as syncing translations with audio, managing character and line limits, and adhering to clients’ style guides.

Despite these difficulties, Vanesa found fulfillment in her work, especially when audiences reached out to express their gratitude.

Her advice for aspiring translators is to build a strong professional network and support system and to prioritize collaboration over competition.

Vanesa’s future goals include expanding her translation studio, VAO Traducciones, and becoming a speaker at industry events.

Start An Online Music School

Music is a popular niche that can be monetized online. An online music school involves providing music lessons to students remotely.

To start an online music school, identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential students. You can offer your music lessons through video calls or online courses.

As a music teacher seeking to share your passion and expertise, online platforms offer incredible opportunities for reaching students worldwide. With an array of options available, you can choose the best platform to suit your needs and teaching style. Here are the top 5 platforms for teaching music online:

  1. TakeLessons: A popular platform that connects students with expert music teachers, offering live and pre-recorded lessons options. Teachers can set their rates and manage their schedule easily through the platform.
  2. Lessonface: This platform focuses on connecting students with music teachers for live, interactive video lessons. Lessonface offers a built-in video chat system, scheduling tools, and marketing support for teachers to grow their online presence.
  3. Teachable: Teachable enables music teachers to create and sell their own online courses. With a user-friendly interface and advanced customization options, you can design engaging, multimedia-rich lessons for your students.
  4. Zoom: While not specifically for music, Zoom’s high-quality video conferencing is suitable for teaching music lessons. Features like screen sharing, annotation, and breakout rooms make it a versatile option for one-on-one or group classes.
  5. Bandzoogle: A website builder tailored for musicians, Bandzoogle includes features to create an online music school, sell courses, and manage your students. This platform is perfect for teachers wanting a custom online presence to showcase their teaching services.

Start an Online Marketplace

An online marketplace is a platform that connects buyers and sellers. If you have an idea for an online marketplace, you can start an online marketplace business.

To start an online marketplace, you need to choose a niche or product category, create a platform, and market your platform to potential buyers and sellers.

Start an Online Event Planning Business

Event planning is a lucrative business that can be done online.

An online event planning business involves remotely planning and organizing events such as weddings, corporate events, and parties.

To start an online event planning business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Start an Online Interior Design Business

Interior design is a popular field that can be done online.

An online interior design business involves designing interiors for clients remotely.

To start an online interior design business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can also create a portfolio showcasing your previous work to attract clients.

Start Online Personal Shopping Business

If you have a passion for fashion and shopping, you can start an online personal shopping business. An online personal shopping business involves shopping for clients and curating outfits based on their preferences.

To start an online personal shopping business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer your services through social media platforms or a dedicated website.

Start Online Bookkeeping Business

Bookkeeping is an essential aspect of any business. If you have expertise in bookkeeping, you can start an online bookkeeping business.

An online bookkeeping business involves providing bookkeeping services to clients remotely.

To start an online bookkeeping business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Become An Online Financial Planner

Financial planning is an in-demand service that can be provided online.

An online financial planning business involves providing financial planning services to clients remotely.

To start an online financial planning business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer your services through video calls or online courses.

Become an Online Business Coach

Business coaching is a lucrative field that can be done online.

An online business coaching business involves providing coaching services to entrepreneurs remotely.

To start an online business coaching business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer your services through video calls or online courses.

Start an Online Language School

Language learning is a popular niche that can be monetized online.

An online language school involves providing language learning courses to students remotely.

To start an online language school, you need to choose a language, create a curriculum, and market your courses to potential students.

You can offer your courses through video calls or online courses.

Start an Online Pet Care Business

If you have a passion for pets, you can start an online pet care business.

An online pet care business involves providing pet care services such as pet sitting, dog walking, and grooming remotely.

To start an online pet care business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Start Online Travel Business

The travel industry provides several opportunities to start an online business.

An online travel business involves providing travel-related services such as bookings, itinerary planning, and travel guides remotely.

To start an online travel business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Start Online Personal Training Business

You can start an online personal training business if you’re a fitness enthusiast.

An online personal training business involves providing fitness coaching services to clients remotely.

To start an online personal training business, you must identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer your services through video calls or online courses.

Become An Online Nutrition Coach

Nutrition coaching is an in-demand service that can be provided online.

An online nutrition coaching business involves providing nutrition coaching services to clients remotely.

To start an online nutrition coaching business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer your services through video calls or online courses.

Start An Online Yoga Studio

Yoga is a popular form of exercise that can be monetized online. An online yoga studio involves providing yoga classes to students remotely.

To start an online yoga studio, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer your classes through video calls or online courses.

Build An Online Art Business

An online art business involves selling art pieces or providing art-related services remotely.

To start an online art business, you need to choose your niche, create a website or social media platform, and market your art to potential clients.

You can sell your art pieces through online marketplaces or offer art-related services such as commissions or art classes through video calls or online courses.

Start Online Language Translation Business

Language translation is a crucial aspect of global communication.

An online language translation business involves providing translation services to clients remotely.

To start an online language translation business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

You can offer your services through online marketplaces or your website.

Start An Online Legal Services Business

Legal services are essential for any business or individual. An online legal services business involves providing legal services such as contract drafting, copyright filing, and legal advice remotely. To start an online legal services business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Become an Online Personal Stylist

Personal styling is a lucrative niche that can be done online. An online personal styling business involves providing styling services to clients remotely. To start an online personal styling business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients. You can offer your services through social media platforms or a dedicated website.

Start An Online Photography Business

Photography is a creative field that can be monetized online. An online photography business involves selling your photos or providing photography-related services remotely. To start an online photography business, you need to identify your niche, create a portfolio showcasing your previous work, and market your services to potential clients. You can sell your photos through online marketplaces or offer photography-related services such as commissions or photography classes through video calls or online courses.

Become An Online HR Consultant

Human resources consulting is an in-demand service that can be provided online. An online HR consulting business involves providing HR-related services such as recruitment, employee training, and policy development remotely. To start an online HR consulting business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients.

Start an Online Personal Finance Business

Personal finance is an essential aspect of anyone’s life. An online personal finance business involves providing personal finance-related services such as budgeting, financial planning, and investment advice remotely. To start an online personal finance business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients. You can offer your services through video calls or online courses.

Start An Online Business Directory

An online business directory is a platform that lists businesses within a particular niche or location. To start an online business directory, you need to identify your niche or location, create a website or social media platform, and market your platform to potential businesses and customers.

Start Online Writing Business

Writing is a creative field that can be monetized online. An online writing business involves selling your writing or providing writing-related services remotely. To start an online writing business, you need to identify your niche, set your prices, and market your services to potential clients. You can sell your writing through online marketplaces or offer writing-related services such as commissions or writing classes through video calls or online courses.

Start Online Car Rental Business

An online car rental business involves renting out cars to customers remotely. To start an online car rental business, you need to identify your services, set your prices, and market your services to potential customers. You can offer your services through your website or online marketplaces.

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Starting an online business is a great way to generate passive income and achieve financial independence. With the right idea and effort, anyone can start an online business and succeed.

In this article, we have discussed student online business ideas that you can start with low to no investment. Each business idea has unique requirements and challenges, but with dedication and hard work, you can succeed. So, go ahead and choose the online business idea that resonates with you, and start your entrepreneurial journey today!

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