How to Start and Maintain a Business Strategy Journal for Entrepreneurs

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Journaling for business planning and strategy.
business strategy journal

Last Updated on July 19, 2023 by David

Maintaining a business strategy journal is one of the most valuable exercises an entrepreneur or small business owner can adopt.

By journaling about your business strategy, you can gain immense clarity on your goals, strengths, challenges, and ideal next steps. A business strategy journal prompts deep strategic thinking through writing and reflection.

For founders of both new startups and established small businesses, journaling leads to better planning and clearer strategic direction.

By regularly using business strategy journal prompts and exercises, entrepreneurs are better equipped to identify their core priorities and values, flesh out strategic plans, and organize critical thoughts.

In essence, journaling enhances your critical thinking and strategic capabilities as a business leader.

In this article, we’ll dive into how founders and small business owners can leverage the power of strategic journaling to take their ventures to the next level.

We’ll explore actionable tips for starting your own business strategy journal, impactful prompts to guide your strategic thinking, and how to make journaling for strategy a consistent habit.

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Ready to unlock the immense benefits of maintaining a business strategy journal? Let’s get started.

Benefits of Journaling for Business Strategy

Journaling for small business owners and startups comes with many critical benefits for improving business strategy and performance. Maintaining a consistent business strategy journal can help entrepreneurs in the following ways:

  • Clarify Priorities and Core Values

Regular journaling provides essential time for small business owners to reflect on what matters most for their company’s success and growth.

By thoughtfully journaling about your business priorities, you can crystallize a clear set of core values and priorities to guide your venture’s strategic direction.

Impactful business strategy journal prompts on values, mission, and vision push clarity.

  • Enhance Critical and Strategic Thinking

Journaling requires entrepreneurs to critically evaluate their business from every angle. Business strategy journal prompts on SWOT analysis, competitor assessment, goal-setting, and more push rigorous strategic thinking on all facets of the venture.

Over time, the practice strengthens an entrepreneur’s cognitive critical thinking abilities.

  • Organize Strategic Insights and Plans

A dedicated business strategy journal helps organize your important strategic ideas, analysis, plans, and insights in one central place for easy reference.

Journaling leads to clear structure and alignment across business strategy elements.

  • Flesh Out Written Strategic Plans

Putting business plans, goals, and strategies in written form makes them much clearer and actionable. Journaling through strategy elements like objectives, tactics, execution steps, and progress allows small business owners to fully develop strategic thinking into an executable plan.

  • Spark Creativity and Innovation

Journaling sparks creativity as entrepreneurs turn inward to reflect on improving their businesses. New strategic insights, innovations, and growth opportunities emerge from regular journaling exercises and prompting.

By making in-depth business strategy journaling a dedicated habit, startups and small business owners gain all these tangible benefits. Practicing thoughtful strategic journaling will strengthen your leadership thinking and unlock business growth.

Steps for Strategic Business Journaling

Once you understand the immense benefits of journaling for business strategy, the next step is learning how to put this practice into action.

Maintaining a business strategy journal requires dedication and consistency for maximum impact. There are several best practices small business owners and entrepreneurs can follow to implement high-value business strategy journaling.

In this section, we’ll outline actionable steps for starting your own strategic journal and optimizing your journaling sessions to drive growth.

With a step-by-step approach, founders can seamlessly integrate strategic journaling into their leadership practices and begin reaping the rewards.

Follow these essential tips to create and maintain a business strategy journal that unlocks stronger strategic thinking.

Step1. Choose a Medium For Your Business Strategy Journal

The first step in starting your business strategy journal is choosing the medium you want to use. There are benefits to both digital and traditional physical journals for entrepreneurs.

Digital journals using apps like Evernote or OneNote offer features like organizational templates, the ability to search and tag entries, syncing across devices, and portability. They can include guided business strategy journal prompts and exercises as well.

Many entrepreneurs appreciate having all their strategic thinking digitized in one secure place. However, some find it harder to disconnect and reflect deeply when journaling digitally.

Physical paper journals let entrepreneurs unplug to journals and can feel more natural when handwriting reflections. This tactile experience facilitates deeper strategic thinking for some. However, organizations can be more challenging without digitization. Physical journals also lack features like templates and prompts.

When deciding on a journal medium, small business owners should consider their personal journaling preferences and needs. Those wanting guidance, organization, and portability may benefit most from a digital platform with business strategy templates. Entrepreneurs seeking a distraction-free, offline creative space may prefer a paper notebook journal.

Test out both digital and physical journals to determine which medium best fits your personal journaling style and needs as an entrepreneur. Set yourself up for journaling success by choosing a business strategy journal format you find easy and enjoyable to engage with consistently.

Step2. Set a Regular Time For Business Strategy Journaling

Block off specific days and times each week when you will write in your business strategy journal. Consistency comes from scheduling journaling sessions in advance.

For example, set aside 30 minutes every Monday and Friday morning to journal. Some entrepreneurs prefer journaling first thing in the morning to start the day focused on strategy. Others benefit from scheduling sessions later in the workday as a chance to reflect.

Look at your current schedule and identify at least 2 recurring times per week when you can dedicate your full focus to business strategy journaling.

Scheduling the time in advance makes journaling a habit and part of your leadership rhythm.

Step3. Write Business Strategy Journal Consistently

The benefits of strategic journaling only come through consistency. Decide on a minimum frequency for your journaling practice – 3 times per week or daily. Track your completion of journal entries over time.

Consistency may start with a lower frequency and progress as the habit sticks. Set reminders on your calendar for planned journaling sessions. Identify a cue, like making a cup of coffee that will trigger you to journal daily. Celebrate consistency milestones like two weeks of daily entries.

By writing regularly in your business strategy journal, enhanced strategic thinking will begin flowing.

Step4. Use Impactful business journal Prompts

Impactful business strategy journal prompts and exercises guide sessions beyond blank-page anxiety. Prompts spur strategic thinking on specific critical areas like:

  • SWOT analysis
  • Vision/mission
  • Goals for the quarter
  • New potential growth opportunities

Collect, create, or find published prompts targeting all elements of business strategy to expand your thinking.

Use prompts as thought starters rather than requirements. Let prompts guide reflections while also listening to your inner strategic voice.

Step5. Review Regularly

Re-reading your previous business strategy journal entries provides a fresh perspective. Review insights monthly to connect how your thinking has evolved over time.

A yearly journal review lets you trace key milestones, accomplishments, and strategic shifts. Update past entries with post-mortems. Assess if old assumptions and plans still hold true. Use past entries as guidance for future strategic planning.

Make re-reading your journal an intentional practice to synthesize learnings and build on previous strategic work.

By following these key steps, small business owners can implement high-impact business strategy journaling. Be sure to cover all facets of your venture through journal prompts on vision, competitors, execution plans, and more. Commit to consistent strategic journaling and watch your thinking blossom.


Implementing consistent business strategy journaling as an entrepreneur requires dedication but delivers immense rewards.

By following the steps outlined for choosing a journal medium, scheduling time, journaling regularly, using impactful prompts, and reviewing entries, small business owners and startups can unlock clearer strategic thinking and stronger growth plans.

Make business strategy journaling a habit by starting small and building consistency over time. Reflect on your journaling practice itself within your journal – note what prompts spark creativity, times you gain strategic insights, and how your thinking grows.

Commit to level up your leadership through daily business strategy journal prompts and watch your venture flourish.

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