Profitable Accounting Business Ideas You Can Start In [2023]

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Discover profitable accounting business ideas and expert insights to help you succeed in the industry. From bookkeeping to niche services, explore FAQs on starting and managing an accounting business.
Accounting Business Ideas

Last Updated on July 27, 2023 by David

Accounting business ideas are numerous and can be tailored to meet specific market needs, skill sets, and interests.

As a critical function for businesses, accounting involves financial management, analysis, and reporting, and starting an accounting business can be a lucrative opportunity for entrepreneurs.

With the demand for accounting services continually increasing, it is essential to choose the right accounting entrepreneurship ideas that align with your skills, interests, and market needs.

In this article, we will explore 25 profitable accounting business ideas that entrepreneurs can pursue based on their unique skill sets, interests, and current market demands.

Learn How To Start an Accounting Business.

These business ideas for accountants are grouped into four categories: traditional accounting services, niche accounting services, technology-based accounting services, and creative accounting services.

Each category provides detailed information on the specific services offered, potential profitability, and startup costs.

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By following the tips provided in this article, entrepreneurs can choose the best accounting business idea that aligns with their skills, interests, and entrepreneurial goals.

The Benefits of Starting Small Business Ideas for Accountants

Starting an accounting business comes with numerous benefits, including:

  • High demand: The demand for accounting services is ever-increasing, and this is expected to continue in the coming years.
  • Low startup costs: The startup costs for starting an accounting business are relatively low compared to other industries. All you need is a computer, an internet connection, and software.
  • High-profit margin: Accounting services have a high-profit margin as clients are willing to pay for quality services.
  • Flexibility: As an accounting business owner, you have the freedom to choose your clients and the type of services you offer.
  • Continuous learning: Accounting is an ever-evolving industry, and starting your own business allows you to learn and grow continually.

Are you interested in starting small business ideas for accountants? Maybe you are not sure which accounting business idea to start. 

This article will provide you with 25 accounting business ideas that you can choose from based on your skills, interests, and current market needs. 

We have grouped the ideas into four categories: 

  • Traditional accounting business ideas services
  • Niche accounting business services
  • Technology-based accounting business services 
  • Creative accounting business ideas and services. 

This article will give you an in-depth understanding of each business idea and equip you with the knowledge to make an informed decision.

Traditional Accounting Business Opportunities / Services

Traditional accounting services are the backbone of the accounting industry. 

These services include bookkeeping, payroll, tax preparation, auditing, financial statement preparation, budget planning, and forensic accounting. 

While they may seem like routine tasks, these services are critical to businesses’ financial health and compliance. 

In this section, we will explore each traditional accounting service in more detail and highlight the skills and knowledge required to provide high-quality services to clients.

Bookkeeping Services

Bookkeeping involves maintaining a company’s financial records, including recording financial transactions, creating financial reports, and reconciling bank statements.

Payroll Services

Payroll services involve managing employee wages, calculating taxes, and preparing tax forms. This is a critical service for small business owners who need more expertise or time to manage payroll.

Tax Preparation Services

Tax preparation services involve preparing tax returns for individuals and businesses. With tax laws constantly changing, this is a highly sought-after service that requires specialized knowledge.

Auditing and Assurance Services

Auditing and assurance services involve examining a company’s financial statements and providing an opinion on their accuracy. This service is crucial for publicly traded companies and is highly regulated.

Financial Statement Preparation

Financial statement preparation involves creating financial reports for businesses. This service provides valuable information to business owners and investors on the company’s financial health.

Budget Planning and Analysis

Budget planning and analysis involves creating budgets, forecasting financial outcomes, and analyzing actual results against the budget. This service helps businesses plan for the future and make informed financial decisions.

Forensic Accounting Services

Forensic accounting services involve investigating financial fraud or misconduct. This service requires specialized knowledge and expertise in identifying and analyzing financial evidence.

Niche Accounting Business Ideas

Niche accounting services cater to specific industries or client needs, providing specialized knowledge and expertise to help clients manage their finances effectively. 

As the business landscape becomes increasingly complex, there is a growing demand for niche accounting services that can provide customized solutions to unique challenges. 

This section of the article will explore seven niche accounting business ideas that entrepreneurs can consider, based on their skills, interests, and the current market needs.

Personal Financial Planning

Personal financial planning involves creating a financial plan for individuals, including retirement planning, tax planning, and investment management.

Small Business Consulting

Small business consulting involves providing guidance and advice to small business owners on financial management, growth strategies, and operations.

International Tax Consulting

International tax consulting involves advising on cross-border transactions and helping clients navigate complex tax laws in different countries.

Non-profit Accounting

Non-profit accounting involves providing accounting services to non-profit organizations. This service requires knowledge of specialized tax laws and regulations.

Virtual Accounting

Virtual accounting involves providing accounting services remotely to clients. This service is becoming increasingly popular as businesses seek to reduce costs and increase efficiency. You can find client on platforms like LinkedIn, Upwork, Fiverr and Guru.

Cannabis Accounting Services

Cannabis accounting involves providing accounting services to cannabis-related businesses. This service requires specialized knowledge of the industry’s unique tax and financial regulations.

Real Estate Accounting

Real Estate accounting involves providing accounting services to real estate businesses. This service requires knowledge of real estate transactions, including property sales, leases, and rentals.

Technology-Based Accounting Entrepreneurship Ideas 

Technology has revolutionized businesses’ operations, and the accounting industry is no exception. 

Technology-based accounting services leverage the latest software and tools to manage accounting tasks more efficiently and effectively. 

These services provide businesses with real-time access to financial data, increased security, and the ability to make informed decisions based on data insights. 

In this section, we will explore five technology-based accounting business ideas that entrepreneurs can pursue to capitalize on the growing demand for technology-driven accounting solutions.

Cloud Accounting

Cloud accounting involves using cloud-based software to manage accounting tasks. This service provides real-time access to financial data and is becoming increasingly popular.

Accounting Software Consulting

Accounting software consulting involves providing guidance and support to businesses on using accounting software. This service requires knowledge of different software programs and their features.

Cybersecurity Consulting

Cybersecurity consulting involves providing guidance on protecting businesses from cyber threats. This service is crucial in today’s digital world, where cyber attacks are becoming increasingly common.

Data Analytics

Data analytics involves using data to provide insights into a business’s financial performance. This service helps businesses make informed decisions based on real-time data.

Blockchain-based Accounting

Blockchain-based accounting involves using blockchain technology to manage accounting tasks. This service provides security, transparency, and real-time access to financial data.

Creative Business Ideas for Accounting Students

YouTube Accounting Services

YouTube accounting involves providing accounting advice and guidance to YouTube creators. This service is becoming increasingly popular as more creators monetize their channels.

Influencer Accounting

Influencer accounting involves providing accounting services to social media influencers. This service requires knowledge of the unique tax and financial regulations surrounding influencer income.

Celebrity Accounting

Celebrity accounting involves providing accounting services to celebrities and high-net-worth individuals. This service requires knowledge of complex tax laws and financial management strategies.

Sports Accounting

Sports accounting involves providing accounting services to athletes, sports teams, and sports organizations. This service requires knowledge of the unique financial challenges facing the sports industry.

Music Accounting

Music accounting involves providing accounting services to musicians and music-related businesses. This service requires knowledge of the unique financial challenges facing the music industry.

Tips For Choosing Best Business Opportunities for Accountants

Starting an accounting business is an exciting opportunity, but with so many business ideas to choose from, it can take time to know which one is the right fit for you. Here are some tips to help you choose the best accounting business idea:

  • Assess your skills and interests: Choosing an accounting business idea that aligns with your skills and interests is crucial to your success. Think about what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. For example, if you have a passion for working with small businesses, then a small business consulting business idea may be the right fit for you.
  • Research the market: It is essential to research the market and identify areas of high demand for accounting services. Look for industries or niches that are underserved or have unique accounting needs. For example, the cannabis industry is growing, and businesses in this industry have specific accounting and tax requirements.
  • Consider the competition: Researching the competition is important to understand the demand for specific services and the potential for profitability. Look for areas where the competition is low or where you can differentiate yourself with a unique selling proposition.
  • Think about the scalability of the business: Consider whether the business idea has the potential to scale and grow over time. Look for business ideas that can be easily scaled by adding additional clients, services, or employees.
  • Evaluate the startup costs: While accounting businesses have relatively low startup costs, it is essential to consider the expenses associated with each business idea. Look for business ideas that have low startup costs and a high-profit margin.
  • Identify your target audience: Understanding your target audience is crucial to the success of your accounting business. Identify who your ideal clients are and what services they need. This will help you tailor your marketing and sales efforts to reach the right clients.

By following these tips, you can choose the best accounting business idea that aligns with your skills and interests, meets the market’s needs, and has the potential for profitability and scalability. 

Remember to do your research, evaluate your options, and choose a business idea that excites you and aligns with your entrepreneurial goals.


Starting an accounting business is a smart decision for aspiring entrepreneurs. 

This article has provided 25 accounting business ideas you can choose from based on your skills, interests, and current market needs. 

Whether you choose to offer traditional, niche, technology-based, or creative accounting services, there is a business idea that is right for you. 

Remember to choose a business idea that aligns with your skills and interests, and seek out opportunities to learn and grow continually.

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